Att vara handikappad i Malawi kan nog vara besvärligt. Jag har sett många personer i Lilongwe med missbildningar i armar och ben. De sitter ofta i något gathörn och tigger pengar…En del binder upp benen pa kroppen eller skyddar utsatta delar med egentillverkade ben/knäskydd och tar sig sedan fram på händerna. Det finns även de som är lite mer lyckligt lottade, som har en rullstol av följande typ.
Har annars idag suttit och petat ihop en lång lista på några av de förkortningar som jag kommit i kontakt med. Det blev några stycken…och jag kommer fortfarande på fler som jag lägger till.
Dessa används frekvent I tal och skrift utan vidare förklaring, inte konstigt att man var förvirrad som en drogad höna tidigare.
ACP Anti-Corruption Bureau
ADMARC Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation
ART Anti –retroviral therapy
ARV Anti-retroviral
CAMA Consumer Association of Malawi
CBO Community Based Organization
CDSS Community Day Secondary School
CISANET Civil Society Agriculture Network
CM Collaborative Management
COMESA Common Market for Estern and Southern Africa
DA District Assembly
DEC Distance Education Centres
DEMIS District Education Management Information System
DfID Department for International Development
DHS Demographic and Health Survey
DISTMIS Department of Information, Systems and Technology Management System
DPDMA Department of Poverty and Disaster Management Affairs
ESCOM Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FBO Faith Based Organization
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FNSIS Food and Nutrition Security Information System
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GTZ German Technical Co-operation
GWAN Government Wide Area Network
HIPC Highly Indebted Poor Country
ICT Information, Communication and Technology
IHS Integrated Household Survey
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMR Infant Mortality Rate
IYCF Infant and Young Child Feeding
ISO International Standard Organization
ITN Insecticide Bed Treated Net
IWRM Integrated Water Recourse Management
JICA Japanese International Cooperation Agency
LA Local Assembly
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MACRA Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority
MARDEF Malawi Rural Development Fund
MAREP Malawi Rural Electrification Programme
MASTA Malawi Award for Scientific and Technological Achievement
MBC Malawi Broadcasting Corporation
MBS Malawi Bureau of Standards
MCCCI Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MDHS Malawi Demographic and Health Survey
MEGS Malawi Economic Growth Strategy
MEJN Malawi Economic Justice Network
MEPD Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
MFI Micro Finance Institution
MGDS Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
MIPA Malawi Investment Promotion Agency
MIRTDC Malawi Industrial Research and Technology Development Centre
MIS Management Information System
MITS Most Innovative Technology Stand
MK Malawi Kwacha
MLGRD Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
MLHS Ministry of Lands, Housing and Surveys
MMNRE Ministry of Mining, Natural Resource and Energy
MMR Maternal Mortality Rate
MOA Ministry of Agriculture
MOF Ministry of Finance
MOH Ministry of Health
MOTPW Ministry of Transport and Public Works
MP Member of Parliament
MPRS Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy
MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework
MTPSD Ministry of Trade and Private Sector Development
NABW National Association of Business Woman
NAC National AIDS Commission
NAG National Action Group
NASFAM National Smallholder Farmers Association of Malawi
NDF Northern Dark Fired tobacco
NDPG Nutrition Development Partners Group
NEEP National Economic Empowerment Policy
NFRA National Food Reserve Agency
NGO Non-Governmental Organizations
NRA National Road Authority
NRC National Research Council
NRU Nutrition Rehabilitation Unit
NRM National Resource Management
NSO National Statistical Office
OPC Office of the President and Cabinet
OVC Orphans and other Vulnerable Children
OTP Outpatient Therapeutic Programme
PA Protected Area
PAC Problem Animal Control
PEM Protein Energy Malnutrition
PFMA Public Finance and Management Act
PLHA People Living with HIV and AIDS
PMCT Preventive Mother to Child Transmission
PPA Public Procurement Act
PPP Public Private Partnership
PRGF Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
PS Principle Secretary
PSIP Public Sector Investment Programme
PVA Poverty Vulnerability Assessments
PWP Public Works Programme
RBM Reserve Bank of Malawi
SADC Southern African Development Community
SAPP Southern African Power Pool
SFP Supplementary Feeding Programme
SGR Strategic Grain Reserve
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
SMP Staff Monitored Programme
SNE Special Needs Education
SOCAM Society for Charted Accountants of Malawi
SSAJ Safety, Security and Access to Justice
SSM Small Scale Minors
SWAp Sector Wide Approach
TA Traditionally Authority
TB Tuberculosis
TEVET Technical, Entrepreneurial, Vocational Education and Training
TOR Terms of Reference
TNP Target Nutrition Programme
TS Technical Secretariat
TWG Technical Working Group
UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund Agency
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
USAID United States Agency for International Development
VCT Voluntary Counseling and Testing
VIP Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine
WB World Bank
WFP World Food Programme
Imorgon ska jag ta mig bort till the TS eller Tech Sec som folk ibland säger, eller som jag säger The Technical Secretariat. Dessa ska tydligen kunna förse mig med en uppdaterad databas över alla nutritionrelaterade projekt och program, och det ska finnas över 200 stycken.